Linda H Zhang, Ph.D, is the founder of Purview Investments, an advisory firm specializing in climate resilient, low-carbon transition and ESG investing. Previously, Purview was the investment sub-advisor for TrueShare’s low-carbon transition ETF, ticker ECOZ. Linda was the creator and the portfolio manager for this industry award winning ETF. Currently, she also serves as a senior advisor to SoFi, a fintech firm. She is the co-founder and a board member of Women in ETFs, a global professional association, a champion for women’s contribution to the finance industry.
Dr. Zhang has built an extensive career in asset management industry. She was the Head of Investment Research and Senior Portfolio Manager at Windhaven Investment. She joined the ETF ecosystem from an institutional asset manager MFS, as a fund manager for Global Multi-Asset with global macro long-short overlays and Commodities strategies. At Blackrock, Dr. Zhang served as a lead PM for a global multi-asset mutual fund and institutional mandates, and a key member on the Asset Allocation Committee. She was the head of Quant Strategy Group and a PM at State Street Research.
Dr. Zhang is a recipient of the Top Women in Asset Management Awards 2015 by Money Management Executive. She is a contributor to industry conferences and business media such as Bloomberg TV, Bloomberg News, WSJ, Financial Times. She has published in Journal of Index Investing,, Journal of Investing, CFA Digest, Journal of Alternative Investments. Dr. Zhang holds B.A. in Business from University of Regina, Canada, a M.S. in Applied Economics and a Ph.D in Finance from University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She lives with her family in Manhattan, New York.